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CKEditor Bootstrap Tabs

A plugin for CKEditor that allows the user to insert and edit a specified number of Bootstrap tabs

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  1. Download the zip file.
  2. Extract the contents to your CKEditor plugins directory: /path/to/ckeditor/plugins/bootstrapTabs.
  3. Include Bootstrap CSS, Bootstrap JS, and the jQuery JS dependency for your CKEditor.
    // Enable local "bootstrapTabs" plugin from /ckeditorPlugins/bootstrapTabs/ folder.
    CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal( 'bootstrapTabs', '/ckeditorPlugins/bootstrapTabs/', 'plugin.js' );
    // Replace the <textarea id="ckeditor-bootstrap-tabs-demo"> with a CKEditor
    // instance, using default configuration.
    // extraPlugins needs to be set too.
    CKEDITOR.replace( 'ckeditor-bootstrap-tabs-demo', {
      extraPlugins: 'bootstrapTabs',
      contentsCss: [ '' ],
      on: {
        instanceReady: loadBootstrap,
        mode: loadBootstrap
    // Add the necessary jQuery and Bootstrap JS source so that tabs are clickable.
    // If you're already using Bootstrap JS with your editor instances, then this is not necessary.
    function loadBootstrap(event) {
        if ( == 'mode' && event.editor.mode == 'source')
            return; // Skip loading jQuery and Bootstrap when switching to source mode.
        var jQueryScriptTag = document.createElement('script');
        var bootstrapScriptTag = document.createElement('script');
        jQueryScriptTag.src = '';
        bootstrapScriptTag.src = '';
        var editorHead = event.editor.document.$.head;
        jQueryScriptTag.onload = function() {


Inline Editing in Action!

Click here to edit text with inline editor. Styling inside an inline editor is dependent upon the stylesheets that are loaded for the containing page.  In this example, the styling on the page currently restricts the Bootrap Tabs to a usable max of 3 tabs.